Who Pays Closing Costs On A Usda Loan

Summary: Understanding the allocation of closing costs on a USDA loan is essential for prospective homebuyers. This article delves into the intricacies of who typically bears these costs, providing clarity for borrowers.


Closing costs are an integral part of any real estate transaction, encompassing various fees and expenses associated with finalizing a mortgage. When obtaining a USDA loan, which is backed by the United States Department of Agriculture, it's crucial to comprehend who bears the responsibility for these costs.

Understanding USDA Loans

USDA loans are designed to assist low to moderate-income households in rural areas achieve homeownership. These loans offer competitive interest rates and require no down payment, making them an attractive option for eligible buyers.

Allocation of Closing Costs

In a USDA loan transaction, the allocation of closing costs typically depends on negotiation between the buyer and the seller. However, there are certain guidelines and conventions that often dictate who covers specific expenses:

  1. Buyer's Responsibility:

    • Loan Origination Fees: The buyer is usually responsible for paying the loan origination fees, which cover the lender's administrative costs in processing the loan.
    • Credit Report Fees: Buyers are typically expected to cover the cost of obtaining their credit report as part of the loan application process.
    • Appraisal Fees: Buyers typically pay for the appraisal, which is necessary to determine the market value of the property.
    • Title Insurance: Buyers often pay for title insurance to protect against any issues with the property's title.
  2. Seller's Responsibility:

    • Real Estate Agent Commissions: The seller typically pays the real estate agent commissions, which are typically a percentage of the sale price.
    • Transfer Taxes: In some cases, sellers may be responsible for transfer taxes imposed by local or state governments.
    • Home Warranty: Sellers may choose to provide a home warranty to the buyer as an incentive, covering certain repairs or replacements for a specified period.


In summary, the allocation of closing costs on a USDA loan involves negotiation between the buyer and the seller. While certain expenses are traditionally borne by either party, the specifics can vary depending on the agreement reached during the transaction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can closing costs be rolled into a USDA loan?

    • Yes, closing costs can sometimes be rolled into a USDA loan, but this may result in a higher loan amount and potentially higher monthly payments.
  2. Are there any grants or assistance programs available to help with closing costs on a USDA loan?

    • Yes, there are various grants and assistance programs available at the state and local levels that can help cover closing costs for eligible homebuyers.
  3. What happens if the seller refuses to pay closing costs on a USDA loan?

    • If the seller refuses to cover closing costs, the buyer may need to negotiate with the seller or find alternative ways to cover the expenses, such as rolling them into the loan or obtaining assistance from other sources.

External Links

For further information on USDA loans and closing costs, you can refer to the following Wikipedia pages:

  1. USDA Rural Development
  2. Closing costs


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